Web 2.0 Tools

Welcome to a collection of Web 2.0 Tools that were gathered over the last few weeks of our PIDP 3240 class. These links will bring you to some tools that have been shared by fellow classmates for consideration in the classroom to assist with instruction or course planning.

Web 2.0 Tools

Bubbl.us - brainstorming and mind mapping made easy
Delicious - a tool for bookmarking on web
Diigo - a smart tool for finding, organizing information etc.
Edmodo - a tool for collaborating and connecting to resources
Evernote - a workspace to create notebooks, take notes, create lists and so much more
Flickr - An image and video sharing site.
Google Docs - a place to share access to documents, making collaboration easy
Kahoot -  game based software allows you to create quizzes, polls etc
LiveBinders -  keep track of all your weblinks in a binder system
Polleverywhere - mobile app that allows you to create a poll, quiz. Shows results live
Prezi - presentation builder that allows you to show information from all views
Quibblo - take or create quizzes, polls or surveys
Quizlet - create your own flashcards, adding pictures and sounds, study tools and more
Remind - stay in touch with students, in a secure way, for free; add up to 20 classes
ScratchEd - creative learning environment for sharing resources, stories, exchange ideas
Socrative - a tool that gives real time feedback and allows everyone the opportunity to chime in
Storybird - create a short story with pictures and text
Voicethread - learning out loud, adding voice to an online environment
Wikihow - learn how to do almost anything
Wordle -  create your own word cloud using this tool

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